No-Contact Communion
We are going to be offering Communion at both locations a couple of dates and times next week.
Thursday, May 28 from 6:00 -8:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 30 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 31 from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Here are the guidelines we will be taking to ensure that this is done in a safe and comfortable manner.
We will have no more than 10 people at a time taking communion
Everyone will need to sign-up if you would like to take communion so that we can stay with-in the people gathering guidelines
There will be specific entrance and exit signs (park in the south parking lot at BLC)
Sanitation stations at both entrance and exit points
Ushers to guide you into the sanctuary and explain the process, as well as to guide you out
You will be able to sign-up for 15-minute sessions, please only arrive 5 minutes before your time-slot
Mask wearing is welcome but not required
Unfortunately, we ask that no children attend
At this time, please remember to not congregate in the building we want to keep this a stream-lined, quick, and efficient process, while still practicing social distance and following CDC and local government guidelines. This also means that water fountains and restrooms will not be available during this time, to limit all the areas we would need to clean and sanitize post our communion dates.
If you do not feel comfortable taking communion at this time please know that this is an option we wanted to give to all of our members, and it is not a requirement.
If you know of any of our members that are not on Facebook or email and would like to sign-up for communion, please have them call our church office to get assistance in signing up at 952-888-2475. Here is the sign-up link