Initial COVID-19 Response

Monday Service is Canceled for Tonight, March 16th

In light of the new CDC recommendations and for the safety and health of our members and the surrounding communities, we have made the following adjustments for church and church activities.

  • All worship services canceled through until further notice.

  • All Bible classes, public meetings, meals, and events are canceled until further notice.

  • All Pastoral calls to shut-ins, hospitals, and care centers will be suspended until further notice.

We are diligently working on providing ways to stream services online please watch your emails, our website, and Facebook page for the links on that in the coming days. Please know that you can also contact our church office if you are not able to access things online 952-888-2475.

The Pastors are always available by phone and/or email.

Scott Spaulding - 612-599-3661 -

Rod Pudell – 612-384-2206 –

Brain Krueger – 952-836-5005 – 

During this time please submit your contributions by mail or online, your continued support during this time is VITAL!

Online Offering

Know that we will continue communicating with you as things change and adjust in the coming days and weeks.  


So do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

 Isaiah 41:10


No-Contact Communion