Opportunities to Serve

2 Corinthians 9:7   Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

There are many ways to give, here are just a few to get you started.

For information on Ruby's Pantry click HERE.

VEAP - Volunteers to Assist People (BLOOMINGTON)

For more than 30 years VEAP has provided a range of basic services that fulfill an immediate need in people's lives and position them for long-term success. Based on their mission of "Neighbors serving neighbors in need" VEAP provides Food, Transportation, Seasonal and Social Services to our neighbors in need.

Bloomington Lutheran Living Hope assists in this mission through the weekly collection of food at our Bloomington campus.

VEAP appreciates and encourages your continued support. Your gifts of food allows them to serve low-income neighbors living in Bloomington, Edina, Richfield and Minneapolis south of 50th Street and west of Cedar Avenue. You are a vital part of VEAP's mission.

For more information go to the VEAP website.

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The CAP Agency is a private non-profit organization providing services to residents of Scott, Carver and Dakota Counties. The CAP Agency served approximately 38,000 children, families and senior citizens last year in its tri-county service area.  The mission of the agency is to assist and empower people to achieve social and economic well being by providing services in partnership with our communities.  

Bloomington Lutheran Living Hope assists in this mission through the weekly collection of food at our Living Hope campus.

For more information, visit the CAP Agency website.

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Endowment/Planned Giving

Did you know that our congregation has an Endowment Fund? Currently, the Endowment Fund is approaching $1 million. This Fund allows the opportunity to support the ministry of our church now and indefinitely into the future. The monies to the Endowment Fund always remain invested. Each year a portion of the earnings are used for our ministry. This past year, $34,648 was included in the church budget. Since the beginning of the Endowment Fund, $213,109 has helped support the Lord’s work.

Offerings to the Endowment Fund can be given by direct gift, memorials, stocks, insurances, and perhaps most commonly, by including the Endowment Funds in the distribution of our estates when God calls us out of this life to himself in heaven.

These are just a few ways to ensure that the work of spreading the gospel to all continues in our community and throughout the world.  For more information on ways to make wise gifts to help with the Lord's work, please contact Lyle Strehler at (952) 888-2475 or lstrehler@bllh.org.

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Altar Flowers

Purchasing altar flowers is a special way to celebrate, remember and honor people and events in our lives and also beautify our church and worship.  To sign-up to purchase altar flowers, complete the Altar Flower chart that is posted on the bulletin board at Bloomington Lutheran Church or in the 3-ring binder on the information table at Living Hope or contact the church office (952) 888-2475.

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Costa Maya Ministries

Costa Maya Ministries is a group of believers in Jesus Christ.  Its ministry is centered in Cruz de Cristo Church, which is affiliated with the Mexican Lutheran Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  Its ministry is built on the goal to spread the saving Gospel of Christ through the inerrant Word of God while also attending to the needs of the very poor.  To learn more about this ministry, visit the Costa Maya Ministries website.

Guided by our church's mission and eager to share the message of Jesus with those near and far, Bloomington Lutheran Living Hope seeks to support and participate in the variety of ways that Costa Maya Ministries carries out its mission.  We support Costa Maya Ministries with heartfelt prayers, communication, door offerings and mission trips. 

If you wish to donate at other times throughout the year, specially marked envelopes are available on the Costa Maya bulletin board at Living Hope and on the kiosk in the Bloomington church entry.

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Mission to the Children 

Our Mission

Mission to the children is a Christian, non-profit, volunteer organization supported solely by the prayers, offerings, and material donations of Christian individuals, congregations, and church groups.

What We Do

The purpose is to bring the Gospel to the children & their families in northwestern Sonora, Mexico, and to help them meet their basic physical needs. For more information, visit our website.

How we Do It

In cooperation with the WELS and the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Confesional, its sister church in Mexico, the mission organized groups for regular worship and Bible study.  They obtain and distribute Bibles and other Christian literature.

The WELS has provided a missionary to provide pastoral services tot he people and to oversee the spiritual work undertaken by the lay volunteers.  The mission provides food and other assistance to needy families, school supplies, vitamins to children and expectant mothers, other medical assistance and help with housing.

How You Can Help

  • Pray for our work and those we serve
  • Generously share your blessing through monetary gifts
  • Donate much needed items
  • Seek out financial grants
  • Spread the news about the mission
  • Choose Mission to the Children as a presentation topic at church/school

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