To the Calloused, The Curious, and the COmmitted - Week 1 - To the Calloused: It’s Not About You

“To the Calloused, the Curious, and the Committed”

Jesus did a surprising amount of teaching between Palm Sunday and Good Friday. We are going to take a look at some of the different groups of people he taught during this time. The Calloused religious leaders were leading the people with pride and legalism. The Curious crowds were filled with people who wanted to check out this famous Jesus for themselves, but weren’t really sure what to make of him. The Committed Disciples had been following him for a while and were watching the events unfold in fear as it wasn’t going exactly as they pictured. Whether you are feeling Calloused, Curious or Committed to Christ, we hope you are inspired by Jesus’ teaching in this series.


The Cast - Lent 2 - Caiaphas: A Villian We Can Learn From


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