The Excuses of the Reluctant Prophets - Week 1 - Not Me, God…Isn’t that the Pastor’s Job?

About twenty years ago, a sociological study of active Lutherans concluded that 90% of all Lutherans rarely or never spoke about their faith to anyone. And these were active church-goers that attended worship about three out of four times a month! Now while this may seem a devastating commentary on the church around the turn of the century, I don't think much has changed in our day and age.

We too are reluctant prophets. In fact we often don't even consider ourselves to be prophets - people who speak God's Word to God's people! Well, when it comes to being reluctant prophets, we are actually in some pretty good company as you look back down through the Scripture. You would think the great prophets of the Bible were ready, willing, and able when God called them to their mission. But almost all of them were really hoping that God would pick someone else for the job.

In this sermon series we are going to examine the excuses of some reluctant prophets in Scripture and our God’s gracious and encouraging promises that moved them and will motivate us every day to become eager proclaimers to everyone we meet.


The Excuses of the Reluctant Prophets - Week 2 - Not Them God…I Can’t Preach to Those People!


You Say - Week 6 - I AM the Bread of Life