Let Every Heart Prepare - Week 1 - Prepare to Readily Receive

Advent is certainly the season of preparation as we ready our hearts and minds to once again receive our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at Christmas; and as we also look forward to His glorious reappearing on Judgment Day.  We are constantly reminded to make such preparations in Advent hymns such as “Hark the Glad Sound!  The Savior Comes” where the encouragement is given “Let every heart prepare a throne… And every voice a song.”  At Christmas time the hymn, “Joy To the World” urges everyone:  “Let every heart prepare him room…” This sermon series is going to examine some of the ways that we can do this not only during this holiday season but each and every day of our lives.

Please visit our Facebook page ‘Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran Church’ to watch this weeks service, which was live streamed.


Let Every Heart Prepare - Week 2 - Prepare to Give


Christian Defense - Week 3 - Keep Looking Forward to the End