Please watch this short video from our congregation’s president, released in November of 2024, to learn more about the Forward in Faith campaign!

Forward in Faith campaign – NOW through June 2026

BLH’s mission is to Know Christ and to make Him Known. We are at a pivotal time in our ministry. Per the congregation’s approval, we are joining together for a two-year, targeted campaign (in addition to normal/regular offerings). Our goals:


  • Increase ongoing/weekly giving across our BLH membership.

  • Pay off short-term financing & pre-pay long-term financing so ongoing gifts can fund more ministry.

  • Close the gap of rising staffing costs.

  • Fund the ministry leadership transition, including the approved Executive Director position.

  • Fund the strategic plan priorities.


Will you join us as we move Forward in Faith? Would you prayerfully consider a 2-year commitment?

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:13-14

To give to this campaign, you can also click here: