BLLH COVID-19 Action Plan

BLLH Covid-19 Plan - WORSHIP

Worship in-person at 50% capacity at both locations.

BLC: Sunday 8:30 am (singing with masks REQUIRED), 10 am (singing with masks RECOMMENDED), (Saturday 6 pm starting June 20 – singing with masks REQUIRED)

LH: Sunday 8:30 am (singing with masks REQUIRED), 10 am (singing with masks RECOMMENDED}

On-line worship to continue.

On-line/call in sign-up is required.

Services to be abbreviated (40 min.)

Holy communion to be served at times separate from worship services.

Offering baskets will be stationary.

Entrances and exits are separately designated.

Appropriate signage is provided.

Hand sanitizing is required as needed.

Wearing a mask is required or recommended, depending upon the service.

Seating arrangement will comply with social distancing of at least 6 ft. between families/persons.

Ushers will expedite seating and exiting of sanctuary.

Restrooms and any hard, high contact surfaces will be sanitized between services.

No food or drink to be served.

Drinking fountains are not to be used.

Hymnals and friendship folders have been removed from sanctuary.


Resuming in-person Worship